ISMM 2005

Autor: KJ Hübner <>
Data: Tue 28 Sep 2004 - 12:45:17 MET DST
Message-ID: <000501c4a548$40f76540$>
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ISMM 2005


Monday 18th to Wednesday 20th April 2005

École des Mines de Paris
60 Boulevard Saint Michel
75006 Paris, France


      Page Index


      Submission is now close. Prospective authors will receive the decision concerning their papers on November, 12.

      ISMM'05 is the seventh of a series of conferences devoted to mathematical morphology and its applications in image processing. It will be held at 40 years after mathematical morphology was born through the collaborative work of Jean Serra and the late Georges Matheron in the summer of 1964. It is thus a great opportunity to present the most recent developments in this field, and to assess its relevance in image processing, signal processing and computer science.

      The theme of the conference will be mathematical morphology in the broad sense, around the notion that pictures represent geometrical objects with luminance (or colour) profiles, that can be analysed by their interactions with other geometrical objects.

      This ISMM will be held in honour of Jean Serra, on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Its venue will follow that of DGCI in Poitiers (from Wednesday the 13th to Friday the 15th April 2005).

      Important dates

            Submission of full paper 10 17 September 2004
            Notification of acceptance 12 November 2004
            Camera-ready full paper 5 January 2005


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Received on Tue Sep 28 13:49:25 2004

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