[Seminarium] Final CFP: ICPP-HPSECA03 (deadline extended) (fwd)

Autor: Krzysztof Jan Huebner <hubner_at_IOd.krakow.pl>
Data: Tue 27 May 2003 - 10:30:34 MET DST
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.1030527103018.1093A-100000@czapla>
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We apologize for receiving multiple copies of this message or bothering
you if you are not interested.

According to many requests, the new deadline for paper submission is granted until June 1,

We fully understand that due to the issue of SARS, you become hesitated to submit a paper.
If you have been considering submitting a paper, we urge you to submit it. We will try
to print and distribute the proceedings even if you can not travel and present your paper,
and we will also offer the best selected papers for a parallel computing journal.


The 5th Workshop on High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing with
Applications (HPSECA-03)

Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC
October 6-9 (Monday-Thursday), 2003

in conjunction with


Scope and Interests:

Parallel and distributed scientific and engineering computing has become a key technology
which will play an important part in determining, or at least shaping, future research and
development activities in many academic and industrial branches. This special workshop is
to bring together computer scientists, applied mathematicians and researchers to present,
discuss and exchange idea, results, work in progress and experience of research in the
area of parallel and distributed computing for problems in science and engineering

Among the main topics (but not limited to) are:

development of advanced parallel and distributed methods,
parallel and distributed computing techniques and codes,
practical experiences using various supercomputers with software such as MPI, PVM, and
High Performance Fortran, OpenMP, etc.
Cluster and grid computing
applications to the following areas, but not limited to:
computational fluid dynamics and mechanics
material sciences
space, weather, climate systems and global changes
computational environment and energy systems
computational ocean and earth sciences
combustion system simulation
computational chemistry
computational physics
bioinformatics and computational biology
medical applications
transportation systems simulations
combinatorial and global optimization problems
structural engineering
computational electro-magnetics
computer graphics
virtual reality and multimedia
semiconductor technology, and electronic circuits and system design
dynamic systems
computational finance
data mining
signal and image processing

Submission Information:

Authors should send one copy of paper in either PS or PDF format at most 20 pages to the
workshop organizers (lyang@stfx.ca) via electronic mail. Contributions will be reviewed by
at least three reviewers from both Program Committee and external reviewers for relevance
and technical contents on basis of papers. Accepted papers with at most 8 pages will be
published by IEEE Computer Society Press as proceedings of the ICPP 2003 workshops.
Selected papers will be appeared on a special issue of a parallel computing journal.

Important Deadlines:

Paper submission Due May 15, 2003 (extended to June 1, 2003)
Notification of Acceptance Jun 22, 2003
Final camera-ready paper Jul 01, 2003

Workshop Organizers:

Prof. Yi Pan (General Co-Chair)
Department of Computer Science
Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA 30303, USA
Email: pan@cs.gsu.edu

Prof. Robert van de Geijn (General Co-Chair)
Department of Computer Science
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712, USA
Email: rvdg@cs.utexas.edu

Prof. Laurence Yang (Program Chair)
Department of Computer Science
St. Francis Xavier University
Antigonish, B2G 2W5, NS,Canada
Email: lyang@stfx.ca

Technical/Program Committee (please see the web site)

SEMINARIUM mailing list
Received on Tue May 27 10:34:42 2003

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