ICEM 15, Durban South Africa 1 - 6 September ***Reminder**** (fwd)

Autor: Krzysztof Jan Huebner <>
Data: Fri 18 Jan 2002 - 10:05:58 MET
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.1020118100539.20785A-100000@czapla>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi all
A good new year to all from all of us down here in sunny South Africa.

News on the 15th International Conference on Electron Microscopy ( ICEM 15 )
to be held in South Africa, is that things are well in hand. The Scientific
Programme is filling up very quickly and promising to be very interesting.
( )

Tourists to the country will also be glad to hear that the South African
currency is moving in their favour !!!

 Just for those who have not heard of ICEM before, this conference does not
only cover electron microscopy but all disciplines of microscopy. Come along
and see for your self.

We are also pleased that the world Earth Summit, Johannesburg, has
rescheduled their conference to the week before ICEM 15 and not in the same
week as was planned. This conference will attract an estimated 60,000
delegates to Johannesburg, South Africa, which would have made flight
bookings a bit of a problem.( For more on this summit ) However we do suggest that you do get
your booking done as soon as possible as most delegates of the earth summit
are sure to visit Durban just to see the beaches. Your travel bookings can
be done via the Turners website ( ) who are the conference
organisers and travel agents.

However, the main reason for the email is as a reminder that abstracts must
be in by February 2002. Yes, you should panic, that is only a few weeks
away. Please make sure you get them in on time.
If you are having any problems please consult with the relevant people for
your session.

Should you have any further questions, queries or simply would like to see
the current scientific programme, please consult website for
more details .

Any suppliers still interested in exhibiting should also contact us fairly
quickly, as there are not many stands left.

Best regards and look forward to seeing all 1500, and more, of you at the
beach in Durban.

Luc Harmsen

Marketing ICEM15
Received on Fri Jan 18 10:23:58 2002

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