2nd CFP: Virtual and Augmented Architecture 2001 (fwd)

Autor: Krzysztof Jan Huebner <hubner_at_IOd.krakow.pl>
Data: Fri 08 Dec 2000 - 14:01:28 MET
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.1001208135823.28311A-100000@czapla>
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* (VAA01) *
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* Dublin, Ireland, June 21-22, 2001 *
* *


This symposium aims to bring together researchers investigating
the intersection of architecture, computer graphics and computer
vision. Example applications of this fusion include: representations
of real buildings in virtual environments, historical and cultural
setting reconstruction and presentation, virtual graphics overlay of
real buildings for navigational support, education, or architectural

The symposium will have a mixture of invited lectures by established
researchers and research presentations describing current results.
Topics of interest (but not limited to) include the following:

        3D Reconstruction
        Architectural Photogrammetry
        Plenoptic recovery
        Uncalibrated recovery of buildings from video
        Range sensors for environment scanning
        Multi-scan fusion
        Data representations for environments
        Use of architectural knowledge
        Media/tourism applications
        Architectural applications
        Construction industry applications
        Video registration
        Interaction in virtual and augmented environments
        User navigation in virtual buildings
        Physics in virtual buildings
        Realistic rendering of architecture
        Hardware for augmented reality
        Interactive buildings
        Fusion of video with virtual components
        Autonomous avatars in augmented/virtual buildings
The event is organized by the EC TMR Network CAMERA, the Eurographics
Association, the Department of Computer Science at Trinity College, Dublin
and the Division of Informatics at Edinburgh University.

The event will take place at the campus of Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
Dublin is an attractive and bustling city, famous for its Guinness, Book
of Kells, literary figures and its after-hours craic. Dublin has
good flight connections to all countries in Europe and connections
to all major cities in America and Asia.


        Peter Allen Columbia University
        Ronald Azuma HRL Laboratories
        Roberto Cipolla Cambridge University
        James Crowley INRIA Rhones Alpes
        Kostas Daniliidis University of Pennsylvania
        Kenneth Dawson-Howe Trinity College Dublin
        Michel Devy LAAS-CNRS
        Sabry El-Hakim Canadian National Research Centre
        Steve Feiner Columbia University
        Robert Fisher (Chair) Edinburgh University
        Andrew Fitzgibbon Oxford University
        Joao Goncalves EC Joint Research Centre
        Luc van Gool Catholic University of Leuven
        Vaclav Hlavac Czech Technical University, Prague
        David Hogg Leeds University
        John Illingworth Surrey University
        Olli Jokinen Helsinki University of Technology
        Gudrun Klinker Technische Universität München
        Denis Laurendeau Laval University
        Carol O'Sullivan Trinity College Dublin
        Roy Middleton Edinburgh University
        Nassir Navab Siemens Corporate Research
        Mark Pollefeys Catholic University of Leuven
        Giulio Sandini University of Geneva
        Vitor Sequeira EC Joint Research Centre
        Gilles Simon LORIA - University of Nancy 1
        Andrew Zisserman Oxford University

Authors wishing to submit a paper should email a postscript copy
of the full paper of at most 12 1.5 spaced pages to vaa01@cs.tcd.ie.
The paper must have the full author contact information, including
the contact author's email address. All accepted papers will be
published in the Proceedings of the Symposium by Springer Verlag.
The symposium language will be English.
We will accept dual submission to SIGGRAPH, ICCV and other general
conferences, but the work must not have been previously published
at specialized conferences.


        Reception of papers 15 January 2001
        Notification of acceptance 1 March 2001
        Reception of final papers 1 April 2001


All information related to VAA01 is available at the following web site:


Detailed information regarding programme, symposium fee, accommodation
and social events will appear in the VAA01 web site at the appropriate
time. Questions can be put by email to: vaa01@cs.tcd.ie.
Received on Fri Dec 8 14:03:26 2000

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